These two adult Greenland White-fronts found by Steve Grimshaw are only the third confirmed record of this subspecies for the East Lancashire Ornithologists' Club (ELOC) recording area, the previous two records both coming from Stocks Reservoir: 1 on 4th-22nd Jan 1983 and 1 on 15th Feb and again on 31st March 1996. Outside the ELOC recording area, but still in east Lancs, one was at Belmont Res 16th-19th April 1998. Thanks to Tony Cooper for researching past records. Superb birds and a great site tick for my old patch.
What is assumed to be the same Red-breasted Merganser as that present from 13th-20th November, and presumed long gone, dropped in from height at 12:30, so it is clearly feeding elsewhere! A 1stw drake Shoveler also present.
Recently, I have been suffering from my worst bout of blogging lethargy since I started a birding blog back in May 2005. I have a few posts to catch up on which I will try and do if I can summon up the will to do so!